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&SONS Charity

Aug 22

How To Reach Out To A Mate: Movember TipsThe awful truth is one man dies by suicide every minute, globally. We can all do something to support someone close to us, so we’re sharing tips on how to look after yourself and your friends.


&SONS Charity

Jun 22

Clothes For Good

We’re here to create clothing that matters. When you find that piece that fits perfectly, it expresses your identity, reflects your inspiration, and bring you the confidence you need to make your own way in the world. We have designed several of these pieces to positively impact good causes around the world and to help as much as we can.   


&SONS Charity

Jun 22

Movember: Mental Health Week

One man dies by suicide every minute, globally. Men are dying too young and we can’t afford to keep silent. Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing a health crisis, yet it’s rarely talked about. As a proud new partner of Movember, it’s important to highlight male health issues and how we can help each other to overcome them.  


&SONS Charity

Jun 22

We’re teaming up with Movember!Here at &SONS, we are proud to team up with Movember, bringing awareness to Testicular and Prostate Cancer, Male Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. Men's health is so important but there are not enough people talking about it...